• Ms. McCarthy

    Position: Instructional Coach

    How to Contact Me: Message in office (phone or written) 510-231-1420

    About Me: I have worked as a part of the Dover Community for 21+ years as a teacher and instructional coach. I adore this community. Semi-hidden talent: loud whistle...it comes in handy.

    Hidden talent: I can't tell you that!

    College I attended: undergrad = U.C.S.D.; teaching credential = Dominican.

    Favorite music: all genres, but I grew up on classic rock, R&B, and pop. I played classical and musicals in middle and high school (flute and piccolo).

    Hobbies: lots - reading, sports, photography, cooking, learning, etc. etc. etc...

    What's most important to me: Family; friends; community; fun; being a good listener; growing gracefully through feedback from others; being able to laugh at myself; and being an educator whose sole mission is to ensure that those who wish it may obtain the power that a well rounded education provides each individual. Being an active part of the resolution to nullify racism, sexism, ageism, ...all the "isms"... to ensure that every person will have agency in their own lives and the world around them.

    How can families support for student success: Book organizing; book room organizing; materials prepping (e.g. - math manipulatives organization); etc. Many others. We will start there.