• Ms. Tran

    Position: 1st Grade Teacher

    How to Contact Me: Class Dojo or email: ntran@wccusd.net (Contact me afterschool and before 8 pm)

    About Me: My second job is being mommy for 2 little girls. I guess you can say I’m somewhat of a dancer (a little dance team in college). I am a coffee junkie and would pretty much live next door to Starbucks if I could. I went to UC Berkeley for teaching and my masters in education.

    How can families support for student success: The main way parents can support me is to speak to their child daily about their day at school. This helps me know that they are connected to the learning and behavior expectations communicated in class daily. In addition, it’s helpful when they model responsibility with homework, check their child’s folder for papers/notes from me, and read with their child everyday. Finally, supply donations and special events help (field trips and celebrations) are always helpful too!