

Degrees and Certifications:

BA: Child and Adolescent Development from SFSU M.Ed.: Education with concentration in Special Education from CSUS Credentials: Education Specialist with specialization in Mild/Moderate Disabilities from CSUS

Ms. Brown

Ms. Brown 

My 20+ years of educational experience ranges from students with moderate to severe disabilities, alternative education, the elementary resource classroom, to my current and newfound home at Vista. 

My position with the Vista Family of Schools began 2022 as a multi-grade Resource Specialist. I currently support middle & high school students and I embrace this alternative instructional approach wholeheartedly. This position allows me to develop relationships with students who may have mild-moderate academic support needs, and at times high needs for emotional support while they are able to work from the comfort of their homes 

While outside of the classroom, I enjoy spending time with my family and dog, Koda. My favorite pastimes are cooking, trying new restaurants, local town fairs, and distant travel when extended breaks allow.