Community Outreach Office -- Here to Help You

  • The Stege Community Outreach team helps you get what you need to make your child's learning experience great. They work to connect everyone involved at school -- the district office, school staff, families, students, and community members and organizations. Contact Ms. Jackie (bilingual Spanish and English) for assistance with anything, including the following:

    • Volunteering at Stege
    • Discussing your child's needs with administrators and teachers
    • Setting up Student Study Team (SST) meetings to determine the best teaching and learning strategies for your student
    • Coordinating resources, such as psychological counseling, tutoring, social services, etc.
    • Involvement in School Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

    Contact Jacquenline Alejandre: (510) 231-1425 Ext:24535