
Hercules Community Partnership

The Hercules Community Partnership Newsletter
Volume 11, Issue 3                                                December 2011

In This Issue
Principal's Message
HCP Announcement
Youth Ambassadors
Scholarship Information
Yearbook Sales
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Principal's Message
Principal's Message - December
Our school's emphasis on students being scholars is occurring daily, as students are engaged in the learning process. The newly-implemented (for this year), Work-Together-Wednesday's (WtW) have been a big success. Teachers are having weekly conversations on how to improve Teaching &
Learning at our school - with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement.

All parents have access to student grades and attendance via PowerSchool (accessible through the Internet). If you need log on information, contact the Main Office. Many parents comment to the administration and teachers that they are monitoring their child's progress - this is so important in
keeping students accountable (and letting them know that we all care about their academic success).

After school tutoring continues to be successful on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Over 15 teachers are providing this extra help for students. Students with Grades below a "D" should definitely take advantage of this tutoring. In previous years, our tutoring program has not been effective or sustainable; however, we are both this year. Additionally, we are being accountable by tracking student progress. Well over 100+ students (MS & HS) are involved.

The Holiday season is upon us, and after Thanksgiving Break we have just 3 weeks before Winter Break. Teachers and the administration will be stressing high-quality Teaching & Learning during this time period - even though students sometimes focus on the festive mode of the Holiday season.

Please review the HCP Newsletter from cover-to-cover, as important information is included.

One very strong reason for successes of our students is because of parent involvement! HMHS is about the "business of learning."

- Principal Zak
Message from the HCP

Greetings from The Hercules Community Partnership.  Our next General Meeting will be on Thursday, December 8, at 7:00 PM in the High School Library. We hope you will join us.

As the New Year begins, HCP will be calling on volunteers to help with various events during the rest of the school year. We will need help with the Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon, 9-11 Grade High School Academic Awards, Senior Academic Awards, 8th Grade Celebration, and the High School Graduation. Please look for information on these in the upcoming newsletters and if you would like to help, please contact us at that time.

We will be having a See's Candy Fundraiser for Valentine's Day. Please look for information in the January 2012 newsletter.

The Hercules Community Partnership would like to wish you and your families a Very Happy Holiday Season and a Safe and Happy New Year!
Dionne & Carolyn
Hercules Community Partnership
Hercules Youth Ambassadors


Apply to be a Hercules Youth Ambassador for a trip to Japan in the Fall of 2013.


Are you interested in visiting Japan in October or November 2013 and representing Hercules as a Youth Ambassador?  A trip to Tsushima (Hercules' sister city) and other cities in Japan is being planned.  The affiliation between the cities of Tsushima, Japan and Hercules, California USA reached its 30th anniversary on November 5, 2011.  In addition to the Youth Ambassadors, the trip in 2013 will include adults who will also serve as chaperones.


A small number of Youth Ambassador application packets are available from HMHS teachers Bonnie Kidder and Sharon Calonico.  Packets can also be found at and downloaded from the HSCA web site: - .  To get an idea of the potential trip itinerary, see the one followed for the November 2011 trip to Japan shown on the same website.  In early 2012, an informational meeting will be held about the trip.  For interested adults, send an e-mail to with questions and/or a request to be added to the list of those who wish to be informed about that meeting.
Host families needed for August 2012
It's not too early to consider hosting a visitor from Tsushima.  Eight teens, accompanied by two adults, plan to visit Hercules in August 2012 for at least four days.  Host families are being sought now so they can be included in the planning of activities to occur during that visit.

Information about the sister city relationship between Hercules and Tsushima as well as of the Hercules Sister City Association and its activities can be found on the HSCA and City of Hercules web sites.

Scholarship Information


To download the complete 7-page scholarship list from the Hercules HS Career Center (as of November 28, 2011), please click on the link below.  A PDF document will open, revealing names, dates, deadlines, award money, and website links.



To download a scholarship document that organizes types of scholarships by category, please click on the link below.  A PDF document will open with names and website links.



Please visit the Hercules HS Career Center for more information.


High School Yearbook Sales

The Yearbook Back-to-School sale is still going on!

Yearbook prices are now $70 October 1 through December 16, then go up to $75 until February 15. Remember, we don't order extra books, so buy now! See the cashier to buy a book
or get started on a payment plan.

香港六合彩直播 Academic Calendar 2011-2012


Click on the link below to download a copy of the

香港六合彩直播 Academic Calendar for 2011-2012



You received this electronic newsletter because you supplied your e-mail address to the HMHS or HCP for school related updates. Our hope is that all parents of HMHS students will receive and read our newsletter, so they may stay informed of the many programs and services available.  Please add to your Contact List or Address Book to ensure all future e-mails are delivered to your inbox. The HCP would appreciate your feedback as to how we can improve our newsletter. This newsletter is best viewed on a PC Browser, rather than a Smartphone.
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Hercules Community Partnership | P.O. Box 5725 | Hercules | CA | 94547